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7 Bookish Things to Do This Summer

Towers of books to be read. A house plant and glasses sit on top.

Looking for some bookish things to do while you’re still fresh from the Summer holidays? I’ve got you sorted. While reading is the sort of a thing thought of as being wrapped in woollen blankets with a fire going while the rain pours outside, reading is a year-round thing. And in summer, for us Aussies, it’s the beginning of a new year: a chance to start something new, be it as a new year’s resolution or a simple whim to find more bookish things to do.

Here’s a Few of the Many Bookish Things to Do:

1. Read on the Beach

You can only do this to a certain point in the year until the rain clouds and wind starts coming. Stuff your bag with a few anticipated reads and swing by your favourite beach for a beach read. Don’t forget to pack some sunnies and sunscreen too.

2. Visit a New Local Independent Bookstore

If you’re looking for some bookish things to do, why not try out a new bookstore that supports local authors? Check your social medias and Google Maps for any newly opened locations and see if you can scope them out. A lot of these independent bookstores support local authors and help to promote a better writing and reading community in your area. Get your local reads on!

A bookish tree inside Open Books Bookstore with books circling their way up the trunk
Open Books recently opened in Mosman Park, Perth (2021)

3. Start a Book Review Blog

Sick of chasing up all your friends to tell them about a phenomenal book they need to read? Start a book review blog and share your thoughts immediately with anyone who might be interested in reading the same book (or engaged in talking to you about it). Not only are you able to use your blog to connect with other bookish people, you're also making a consistent effort to jot down your thoughts and feelings on what you're reading. What better way is there to really cement how you're feeling about a book?

4. Join Goodreads

If you’re a reader, you need to hop on. Goodreads is a fantastic platform for readers.

It helps you to:

Œ Discover more about your favourite books

Œ Track your reading progress and set new challenges for yourself

Œ See your friends thoughts on interesting books they’ve read.

Set up your profile now and start setting some book reading goals for the year ahead.

Cartoon: a man and women read with the title "2022 Reading Challenge" hanging above them in orange
Get started on Goodreads's 2022 Reading Challenge

5. Write a Fan Letter

Spread the good vibes. Loved the book? Let the author know. While everyone loves a good ol’ fashioned letter, you don’t have to make it stamp-worthy. Send the letter in the form of a friendly email, a Goodreads review, or even a message on social media. Gratitude it up.

6. Try Out a New Genre

It’s time to delve. If you’ve been reading the same old beloved books for a while, maybe it’s time you freshen things up with an untapped genre? Pick up a graphic novel, try a book of essays, indulge in fan fic. You might actually be surprised by what grabs your interest.

7. Attend a Writers’ Festival

Have a few favourite local authors? Every so often, you might actually catch them at a writers’ festival spilling cups of the freshest tea on their latest books. Writers’ festivals are also an awesome place to listen in on emerging/established author conversations and snap up some new books too. Support local.

Two young women look at the red Literature & Ideas booklet together while smiling
Why not attend the Literature & Ideas Festival in Perth, which is coming up later this year in February?


What bookish things do you plan to do this summer? Let me know in the comments below.


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